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Clinical and neurophysiological characteristics of 89 patients with narcolepsy and cataplexy from the Russian Narcolepsy Network - PubMed

Clinical and neurophysiological characteristics of 89 patients with narcolepsy and cataplexy from the Russian Narcolepsy Network - PubMed

Source : https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36305577/

doi: 10.5664/jcsm.10340. Online ahead of print. 1 Sechenov University, Moscow, Russia. 2 Samara State Medical University, department neurology and neurosurgery, Samara, Russia. 3 Samara State Medical University, Research Institute of Neurosciences, Samara, Russia. 4 Private healthcare institution 'Clinical hospital 'RZD-Medicine', Khabarovsk, Russia. 5 Regional Clinical Hospital No.3, Chelyabinsk, Russia.

Conclusions: Clinical and neurophysiological data from this first study of the Russian Narcolepsy Network suggest a similar profile to the recently reported EU-NN data. The more severe and higher percentage of patients with cataplexy and presenting with both excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) and cataplexy may reflect low awareness of narcolepsy in Russia.